Monday, March 21, 2011

Red Riding Hood

Ok so I'm going to give you my thoughts on a movie, but a little heads up... I know nothing about cinematography, symbolism in movies, or anything about acting. This is purely what a pretty average 20 something thinks about a movie.
Red Riding Hood was good, really good. I didn't feel like I was wasting money by going to see it. That's how I pretty much rate movies these days with theater prices so high. My mom paid for it, but I still felt like it was a solid theater pick. I usually just wait for the hottest flick to come out on redbox so I can rent it for $1 but this one was actually worth seeing in the theater.
The twist off the childhood tail of Little Red Riding Hood was done with such creativity. It was exciting trying to guess who the werewolf was throughout the film. I literally went through about 6 or 7 characters thinking "oh it must be him/her." I love Amanda Seyfried, she is just so inviting to watch. She really draws the viewer into the story.
I missed about 10 minutes toward the end of the movie which sucks really bad. Mom and I drove the jeep to the theater and it was such a beautiful 80 degree day that we had the top down. My meteorologist wanna be brother luckily texted my mom to tell her how it was currently down pouring at home, therefore we sprinted out of the theater to put the top back up on the jeep. Luckily we made it before it started to rain because my laptop and DSM-IV-TR were resting in the back.  Well we made it back in time for the last 5 minutes of the movie, just enough to see who the wolf was. I missed how they found out and a big chunk of information but at least the biggest mystery was solved.
I would obviously recommend it. There is nothing more frustrating me then to go see a movie and being bored to tears, which sadly happens all to often these days. This movie was exciting, mysterious, and creative. I love when you can tell somebody actually made an effort to make a quality film instead of basing it off of some previous hit. And if you decide to go see it, bring me along, cause I really want to catch those last 10 minutes!

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