Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Unspeakable Joy

I haven't really bragged about how amazing Conner is yet so I will dedicate this post to just that! The 2 almost 3-year-old stage is really becoming so much fun. Luckily the worst of the terrible 2s are behind us. The temper tantrums, public rages, flinging onto the floor moments seem to become less and less. His trend now is using his blonde curls and blue eyes to get people to ooh and ahh at how precious he is, while of course behaving in some all to adorable way to further prod the doting.
Verbal comprehension is increasing! Woohoo! It is so exciting when you tell your child to do something and then they obey! It literally feels like a miracle just happened every time. My son knows how to clean up his room which makes for one very happy mommy. And going pee pee on the potty... you think we were celebrating the 4th of July when it happens! We jump up and down, give numerous high 5s, share hugs, get candy, have dance parties, it is just so exciting. He's definitely not potty trained yet, but we are headed in the right direction for sure.
When I give him hugs he says "thank you mommy" and it melts my heart every time. When I pick him up from the babysitter after class he runs up to me saying "mommy mommy mommy" then he jumps into my arms and wraps his little legs around my waist, snuggling his head into my neck. It's just so sweet. We spend the day taking nature walks, playing basketball, coloring pictures outside, having picnics, visiting the zoo, and going to Chick-fil-a. At night we take random trips to get froyo, always look out for our friend the moon, and lay under the stars and count how many we see (up to 13 so far)! There is just so much to explore when the whole world is so exciting and new.
So even though at times he doesn't want to sleep through the night in his bed or he wakes up at unmentionable hours or still has emotional meltdowns, those things become so minor in perspective to how much joy he brings on a daily basis!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE THIS!!! I'm so glad and feel so blessed that you are "getting" the true joy of parenting :) Now, keep this close so you can reread, reread, reread when he is a teenager!!!
