Friday, February 18, 2011

From Worst to Best

I love it when I start the day with a bad attitude and pessimistic view of my life and God does a complete shift in my heart.
Last Wednesday I got no sleep (as stated below), had 10 hours of class, and yet I had plenty of energy and not only made it through the day but soared through it. A sense of peace and control settled over me mid-morning and has continued to stay with me.
I tend to be just a little perfectionistic (that's slightly sarcastic), so when I look at all of my assignments I think I have to do all of my assignments. Read every word on every page no matter how much it will ruin my life. All of the sudden God smacked me upside the head and provided me with a sense of freedom! I control the work the work does not control me.
From this point forward I am not afraid to skim. I am going to get my written assignments done first because they count the most. I am going to control my free time and my study time. I refuse to obsess about school work all the time. I am creating boundaries in my head in which school cannot cross.
To be fair my school did warn me about all this... from the beginning they said the work load would easily overwhelm. But last semester was so underwhelming I think I forgot what overwhelming looked like.
It's amazing how when you faithfully set aside time to spend with God, He so graciously gives you the energy and time necessary to do everything needed.

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