Friday, April 22, 2011


I think I have finally found the point of nice, healthy balance! I have about 1 big paper or project due each week. Therefore, I get all the other little stuff done quickly and work on the big thing for the rest of the week. Each week I spend time with friends, whether it's watching a movie or going to get froyo. Conner and I have a fun day about once a week in which I either take him to the zoo or to Chick-fil-a. Church on Sunday and Bible study on Wednesday gives me an opportunity to grow in a Christian community. I get 8 hours of sleep each night! Watch TV occasionally, usually on the internet. And still have time to relax a little on my own! It feels good to have a set routine in which I have allotted time for all the things that are important in my life.
Two weekends ago my parents took Conner to the beach and gave me 3 days to myself! It wasn't too productive school wise, but I got to spend lots of time hanging out with friends. It felt like I was in college again, going out whenever I wanted, staying out late, and meeting new people. I tried something new: paddle-boarding. It was kind of fun. Definitely would be more fun if someone dropped me off at the top of the river and picked me up down stream, paddling up stream was quite a workout!

Last weekend I went home to Greenville where Conner and I went to the Ashby Easter egg hunt. Conner had lots of fun getting to see his grandma and grandpa and hanging out with his cousins.

Then the weekend ended with me going to Carowinds! I hadn't ridden a roller coaster in about 5 years, and the first one we hopped on was the Intimidator, which is exactly that! HUGE! But we had so much fun! I love the intense fear followed by exhilaration of a roller coaster, and then getting off with a surge of adrenaline and wanting to hop right back on again. It was a beautiful day and the crowd was small, so we had lots of fun!

That's what I've been up too lately... Life is good!

1 comment:

  1. Paddle-boarding is on my life to do list! Looks like a blast.
